<!-- 引入这些文件至 <head> 中 -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="responsive-nav.css">
<script src="responsive-nav.js"></script>添加标签<div id="nav">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Projects</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
<!-- 将下面这段代码放置在 </body> 之前 -->
var navigation = responsiveNav("#nav");
var navigation = responsiveNav("#nav", { // Selector: The ID of the wrapper
animate: true, // Boolean: 是否启动CSS过渡效果(transitions), true 或 false
transition: 400, // Integer: 过渡效果的执行速度,以毫秒(millisecond)为单位
label: "Menu", // String: Label for the navigation toggle
insert: "after", // String: Insert the toggle before or after the navigation
customToggle: "", // Selector: Specify the ID of a custom toggle
openPos: "relative", // String: Position of the opened nav, relative or static
jsClass: "js", // String: 'JS enabled' class which is added to <html> el
debug: false, // Boolean: Log debug messages to console, true 或 false
init: function(){}, // Function: Init callback
open: function(){}, // Function: Open callback
close: function(){} // Function: Close callback
// 销毁插件
// Toggle
the end